First Payout from Mining

April 14, 2019 // by Jesse Crypto Backer // , , // No comments

Took about a total of 72 hours to earn or "mine" my first payout of 2019 on the Nicehash service. At current bitcoin prices, I personally believe mining for profit has returned.

This balance will be going into a Bitcoin "savings" account where I will earn a daily compounded interest on the balance.

Check out Nicehash Here - Keep in mind you'll need recent computer hardware to mine.

Check out FreeBitcoin Here - This site is also a way to gain Bitcoin every hour, and a place to gamble it. I personally just use for the savings feature.

If Crypto does fail to takeover fiat currencies, at least it was an enjoyable experience for me. However, if it does, I will be steps ahead! Now back to stock trading tomorrow!

What are your thoughts on crypto? Are you saving?


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