Acorns debit card has arrived!

April 02, 2019 // by Jesse Crypto Backer // , , // No comments

Isn't it a beautiful debit card? Acorns green with a minimalist approach. The only thing that stands out more is the actual weight of the card since it is made with the metal Tungsten. On the back is the card number, expiration, CVV  and your signature. This card and spend account will automatically find "found money" for your core investment account, while keeping track of spending habits. All this of course doesn't come free, unfortunately, these services will cost $3 a month. However, there are no overdraft fee or ATM fees (ATM fees get reimbursements.)

Another great day in the markets! Sold my call debit spread at $105, which was purchase last Thursday for $55. My $29 call option (04/26 expire) recovered and surpassed the initial $95 purchase. I tried to sell around peak, but caught the tail end. It is now sitting at $96, still up a dollar. However, AMD stock did jump up $0.46 in after-hours trading! I think I'll sell right away in the morning and take profit!

Remember, my initial investment with Robinhood was only $300! Now that's a Starting Small Investment. Please remember to follow or subscribe! Give a like and sharing is caring!


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